
Medallion Week 3 Clues 3-4

The Medallion had already be found but you can still try to solve the clues!

Clue 4:

Clue 3 from yesterday:

Medallion: Week 3 Clue 2

A quick announcement!

It’s been found but let’s see if you can figure it out anyway with this clue!

Medallion: Week 3 Clue 1

It’s Dawn turn to stump you!

Medallion Week 2 Clue 3

Put your thinking cap on!

Lakes Country 104.1 Happy Not-So-Newlywed Contest

Cindy & Walt Buller, joined up in the Studio, for our contest! Here’s a shout out to their son Matt, for convincing them to come in! As always we thank them and all our guests for playing! Join us!

Pumpkin Medallion Clue #5 Friday

It’s Friday’s clue and you still haven’t found me

It’s time to set me free.

I’m hiding on the corner of 6th avenue and 3rd street

But let’s not be so bleak.

I’m in the dirt with plants all around,

That’s where I can be found.

Pumpkin Medallion Clue #4 Thursday

We like math yes we do,

Get this answer right and you won’t feel blue.

Multiply and add don’t subtract and divide

Then go find the medallion with pride.

83 times 5 plus 104