Boys Hockey Scores & Results

Boys Hockey

DateAwayResultsHomeArticle Station
WarroadEast Grand Forks - -
Bagley/FosstonEast Grand Forks 96.7 FM -
Lake of the WoodsBagley/Fosston 1480-AM/99.7 FM -
RoseauEast Grand Forks - -
Thief River FallsKittson County Central - -
Park RapidsGreenway-Nashwauk-Keewatin - -
BagleyKittson County Central - -
CrookstonMay-Port CG - -
CrookstonThompson - -
BottineauThompson - -
BottineauMay-Port CG - -
St. Paul JohnsonPark Rapids - -
Cloquet-EskoRoseau - -
Becker/Big LakeBagley/Fosston 96.7 FM -
Duluth EastRoseau - -
Thief River FallsRed Lake Falls - -
East Grand Forks Warroad - -
Park RapidsFosston/Bagley - -
RoseauThief River Falls - -
Park RapidsKittson County Central - -
St. Cloud CathedralEast Grand Forks - -
Thief River FallsWarroad - -
Morris-BensonPark Rapids - -
Fosston/BagleyMay-Port CG - -
MoorheadEast Grand Forks - -
Lake of the WoodsKittson County Central - -
CrookstonPark Rapids - -
Grand Forks CentralEast Grand Forks - -
ElyPark Rapids - -
Wadena-Deer CreekKittson County Central - -
Thief River FallsGreenway - -
Grand Forks Red RiverEast Grand Forks - -
WarroadRoseau - -
Park RapidsWadena-Deer Creek - -
CrookstonKittson County Central - -
MoorheadRoseau - -
GraftonThompson - -
Fergus FallsThief River Falls - -
RoseauBemidji - -
Kittson County CentralThompson - -
Kittson County CentralMay-Port CG - -
Kittson County CentralMay-Port CG - -
WayzataEast Grand Forks - -
Little FallsThief River Falls - -
Breckenridge/WahpetonPark Rapids - -
May-Port CGRed Lake Falls - -
Kittson County CentralThief River Falls - -
Devils LakeMay-Port CG - -
Devils LakeThompson - -
East Grand Forks Roseau - -
Lake of the WoodsBagley/Fosston 96.7 FM -
ThompsonWadena-Deer Creek - -
RoseauBrainerd - -
Park RapidsRed Lake Falls - -
May-Port CGWadena-Deer Creek - -
Grand Forks Red RiverThief River Falls - -
Park RapidsSauk Centre - -
Thief River FallsCrookston - -
RoseauWarroad - -
East Grand Forks Detroit Lakes - -
GraftonMay-Port CG - -
Red Lake FallsKittson County Central - -
May-Port CGHazen - -
ThompsonHazen - -
Kittson County CentralPark Rapids - -
St. Cloud TechRoseau - -
May-Port CGMandan - -
Saint Thomas AcademyEast Grand Forks - -
Saint Michael-AlbertvilleRoseau - -
East Grand Forks Thief River Falls - -
International FallsKittson County Central - -
May-Port CGKittson County Central - -
Tournament - -
ThompsonTeam TBD - -
ElyTeam TBD - -
Tournament - -
May-Port CGMoose Lake - -
ThompsonTeam TBD - -
Tournament - -
ElyTeam TBD - -
East Grand Forks Fargo Davies - -
ThompsonTeam TBD - -
May-Port CGEly - -
ElyTeam TBD - -
TournamentTournament - -
Team TBDTeam TBD - -
Red Lake FallsPark Rapids - -
Breckenridge/WahpetonKittson County Central - -
CrookstonThief River Falls - -
WarroadEast Grand Forks - -
Park RapidsMorris-Benson - -
BemidjiRoseau - -
WarroadThief River Falls - -
BemidjiEast Grand Forks - -
WahpetonMay-Port CG - -
Kittson County CentralBagley 96.7 FM -
International FallsPark Rapids - -
HazenMay-Port CG - -
HazenThompson - -
MahtomediEast Grand Forks - -
RoseauBuffalo - -
Kittson County CentralInternational Falls - -
Northern LakesThief River Falls - -
OronoEast Grand Forks - -
RoseauSartell - -
Red Lake FallsMay-Port CG - -
Kittson County CentralLake of the Woods - -
Red Lake FallsThompson - -
Wadena-Deer CreekPark Rapids - -
Park RapidsBreckenridge/Wahpeton - -
Kittson County CentralRed Lake Falls - -
Detroit LakesThief River Falls - -
RoseauElk River - -
East Grand Forks Cloquet - -
May-Port CGLake of the Woods - -
Lake of the WoodsThompson - -
East Grand Forks Hermantown - -
RoseauGrand Rapids - -
Lake of the WoodsPark Rapids - -
Sauk CentrePark Rapids - -
Thief River FallsBemidji - -
May-Port CGKittson County Central - -
RoseauMoorhead - -
Kittson County CentralThompson - -
May-Port CGKittson County Central - -
East Grand Forks Grand Forks Central - -
Fosston/BagleyPark Rapids - -
Thief River FallsSauk Rapids-Rice - -
ThompsonBottineau - -
BottineauMay-Port CG - -
West Fargo-SheyenneRoseau - -
East Grand Forks Grand Forks Red River - -
Detroit LakesEast Grand Forks - -
Thief River FallsRoseau - -
Kittson County CentralCrookston - -
Red Lake FallsBagley/Fosston 96.7 FM -
Park RapidsSimley - -
East Grand Forks Delano - -
East Grand Forks Gentry Academy - -
Academy of Holy AngelsRoseau - -
Park RapidsSimley - -
Park RapidsCrookston - -