Low Covid Numbers Prompt Minor Changes at Win-E-Mac School

Low Covid Numbers Prompt Minor Changes at Win-E-Mac School

January 14, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

By Laura Hamilton laurahamilton@rjbroadcasting.com

Due to low covid numbers the Win-E-Mac school is making some minor changes to their Covid protocol and will be returning to normal so to speak, and life as we knew it prior to the coronavirus making its appearance. They’ll still be taking precautions of course but beginning Tuesday, January 18th they are going back to their regular school day schedule they had prior to the start of Covid. Principal Kevin McKeever explained the covid changes this week on the Win-E-Mac School News.

McKeever notes they will keep the public informed should any changes be necessary. They have sent out letters to all parents in the district and post updates to their covid policy regularly on their social media pages and on the school’s website. You can call the district office to get the latest information as well.