Christmas Grieving

Christmas Grieving

December 24, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

While the Holiday Season may be a time of joy for many, the holidays can also be hard for many who have lost loved ones. Mike Ganje of Fredrikson-Ganje talks about these different stages of grief and how they can vary depending on the situation of a death. 

As a funeral home director Ganje is always around and interacting with families who have recently lost loved ones and he highlights some suggestions that he often gives to those families who have lost loved ones. 

Ganje says a reassurance he often gives to people is that it’s okay to be emotional about loss at this time of year. 

Anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one and are looking for resources to help you through the healing process are encouraged to reach out to Fredrikson-Ganje Funeral Home at