District 9 Conservation Officer Reports

District 9 Conservation Officer Reports

March 29, 2022 Wake the Lakes 0

CO Andrew Dirks (CCSRA) spent time checking anglers and ATV riders, and attending training at Camp Ripley throughout the week. Remember to check ice conditions often if venturing out on late ice.

CO Amber Ladd (Aitkin) worked spring trapping activity and ongoing angling activity in the Aitkin area. She completed inventory work and vehicle maintenance.

CO Jim Guida (Brainerd East) patrolled lakes for angling activity. Angling activity is picking up. Guida followed up on a wanton waste call where two deer were observed from the roadway hanging in a shed. The deer were determined to have been harvested and registered during last November?s deer season. The hunter interviewed assured that they were going to cut them up and make jerky out of them. Guida observed an increase in ATV traffic and wants to remind riders that trails are currently closed to avoid damage.

CO Nate Benkofske (McGregor) reports checking anglers on area lakes. Nuisance-animal calls were handled. Enforcement action was taken for snowmobile registrations and burning violations.

Pine River vacant.