Harvest Baptist Church in Hillsboro opens its doors 

Harvest Baptist Church in Hillsboro opens its doors 

March 29, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Harvest Baptist Church in Hillsboro opened its doors recently and are worshiping out of Hillsboro School for the time being. Harvest Baptist Church Pastor and founder Justin Jorpeland tells us why he wanted to plant roots in Hillsboro. 

Jorpeland says they are currently looking for a home but are currently worshiping out of the Hillsboro School for the time being. 

Jorpeland has previous experience working as a youth minister as well and is hopeful that they are able to start a youth ministry once they get settled in the community. 

Harvest Baptist Church currently meets every Sunday morning at 10:30 inside Hillsboro High School. For more information on Harvest Baptist Church go to their website at www.hbchillsboro.com