Minnesota trapping season turnout on the rise

Minnesota trapping season turnout on the rise

January 8, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Minnesota trapping season is currently underway with beaver, otter, and bobcat seasons still going on. After a low turnout in the 2022/2023 trapping season Rob Baden of the Minnesota DNR says that there has been a major increase in trappers this trapping season. 

Baden is happy to see this increase and  attributes this increase in turnout to the uncharacteristically warm weather and lack of snow. 

In Minnesota some of the species that can be trapped in different seasons throughout the year include, beaver, otter, mink, fox, pine marten, badger, and much more. For more information on these different trapping seasons go to the Minnesota DNR website at www.dnr.state.mn.us