Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUM” for the Day”

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUM” for the Day”

June 1, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–When someone says “hold your horses” they’re telling you to be stable.

–You have to be odd to be number one.

–Our fingers have fingertips but our toes don’t have toe tips, yet we can tiptoe.

–Kids don’t like sleeping so much because they haven’t gotten bored with life yet.

–The memory of your childhood best friend lives on through bank security questions

–Introverts run on rechargeable batteries while extroverts run on solar panels

–By law our cars have to be road worthy, but the roads don’t have to be car worthy.

–Our two most standard ice cream flavors are beans.

–Because of inflation, watching older episodes of the Price Is Right is significantly less enjoyable.

–Dozing off while watching something is no different from bedtime stories.

–Drywallers must be incredible at putting cream cheese on bagels.

–Whenever we create a new password, it’s like we’re inventing a secret handshake with our future selves.

–Making kids say “Mississippi” between counting seconds really gave Mississippi a lot more publicity than it deserved.

–One of the great things about cooking your own food is the sweet certainty that any hair in it is yours.