Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUM” for the Week” 6-8-23

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUM” for the Week” 6-8-23

June 8, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–The kids of the future probably won’t make ‘Brrmmm brrmm’ sounds when they play with toy cars.

–People who are born during the winter probably have more long sleeve shirts than people born in the summer due to birthday gifts.

–Turbulence is the pothole of the sky.

–You’re never aware of how much noise your house makes until the power goes out.

–You would never drive that close to a car coming at speed in the opposite direction to you if it weren’t for the line of paint on the ground between you.

–There’s nothing quite as uncertain or unstable as the first note of “Happy Birthday” being sung by a group of people.

–They never tell you how much time you’ll waste as an adult trying to decide whether or not to keep a cardboard box.

–We use video games to escape the tedious tasks of life, by making fictional tedious tasks.

–Maybe the urinals were invented when a tall guy walked by a sink and thought “hey…why not?”.

–It only takes one slow-walking person in the grocery store to destroy the illusion that you’re a nice person.

–You can’t feel every hair on your body, but one hair in your mouth is immediately noticeable.

–A scented candle store burning down would smell amazing.

–The quickest way to sober up during a night out is to pat your pockets and not feel your phone.

–If you can’t look back at your younger self and realize that you were an idiot, you are probably still an idiot.