Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day” 5-25-23

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day” 5-25-23

May 25, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–The generation that created the internet, smartphones, and tablets all played outside as children!
–It would be really weird if emotional drama’s had “cry tracks” similar to sitcoms with laugh tracks.
–Why are there two ways of abbreviating “it is not.”?? (It’s not AND It isn’t)
–If your dog had social media, it would be consistently filled with “OMG. They came home. Everything is OK again”
–If Apple made televisions they’d have no buttons and would require a new remote every two years.
–To find a needle in a haystack, use a match to burn the hay, and a fan to get rid of the ash.
–Batman patrols Gotham looking for criminals … in his unregistered, uninsured vehicle with no plates and no emissions certificate.
–People who have had Dwayne Johnson as an upstairs neighbor have literally been living under a rock.
–Everyone thinks they are original and unique until they have to create a username.
–Volleyball is just a more intense version of don’t let the balloon touch the floor.
–3 to 5 dollars a day on coffee or energy drinks is basically a 90-150 monthly subscription to caffeine.
–When you think about it, getting in shape is a problem in which running away from it would help.
–One of the most freeing feelings is when the police car behind you finally turns onto a different road.
–The best way to see if someone has anger issues is to put them under slow Wi-Fi.