Wake The Lakes Life Hack for the Week:  “Yes…These are Obvious Life Hacks That Obviously Work”

Wake The Lakes Life Hack for the Week:  “Yes…These are Obvious Life Hacks That Obviously Work”

March 13, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–If you’ve forgotten an acquaintance’s name, just ask them what their name is, and after they tell you, say “no, your last name.” Works like a charm and they never suspect a thing.

–Whenever you accidentally set off your smoke alarm, give your pets a treat so they learn to come to you when there actually is a fire and you need to escape.

–If at a place where you don’t speak the language, learn the words for please and thank you. Those, and a smile, will get you far.

–When visiting your local zoo, wear the same colors as the zoo employees, that way the animals will come right up to you.

–Sleep on big decisions.  You think most clearly in the morning, and often after some time passes you realize you were about to make a big mistake.

–If you’re going to climb a ladder or work on your roof, wear a bike helmet.

–If you ever drop a kitchen knife or other bladed instrument, just let it fall. Trying to catch it will almost certainly give you a nasty slice on the hand.

–Dawn dish soap is better for cleaning tubs than any bathroom cleaner. Consider that when you bathe you’re mostly washing the body oils off the skin.  You can use a small amount and it cleans pretty effortlessly with circles on a sponge.

–If you’ve written on a dry erase board (or any glossy surface) with a permanent marker (like a Sharpie) just draw over it with a dry erase marker and it will wipe right off.

–Cut and drill pool noodles onto the walls of your garage to prevent your car doors from getting damaged by the walls.