Wake The Lakes Life Hack of the Week: “Life Hacks That’ll Make You Say, Huh, That Works???”

Wake The Lakes Life Hack of the Week: “Life Hacks That’ll Make You Say, Huh, That Works???”

January 9, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–Use mayonnaise to remove water stains in wood from cups and glasses.

–Boil your pasta in a shallow frying pan. It takes less water and it cooks faster.

–Rubbing alcohol works fairly well to get paint off of clothes.  Rubbing alcohol is also great for removing ink pen stains in fabric.

–Crayons are flammable and will provide about an hour of candlelight if you light the top…BUT, LISTEN TO THIS DISCLAIMER:  Crayons are not intended for use as candles and they do not burn as cleanly as a ‘real’ candle. You can smell the burning paper and​ the melting wax. Also, this hack is suitable for adults or should be performed under adult supervision.

–”25% of 18 is the same as 18% of 25 (As ONE example). Percentages are reversible and one is usually easier to figure out than the other one.”

–”Eating candied ginger can help with nausea. Any ginger really, but candied ginger is much better tasting.” (But, it has a little “bite” to it…kind of strong to the palette).

–Rub vegetable oil (or any cooking oil) on your hands after you cut jalapeños or other hot peppers.  Supposedly, It gets rid of the awfulness that would normally be left on your hands from the peppers. Rub with cooking oil and then wash it off with dish soap.

–Vinegar in a plastic bag with a rubber band tied around any faucet or showerhead makes it look just like new, even getting rid of the decade-old rust and crud…and water flows like the first day.