Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 10-9-23

Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 10-9-23

October 9, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

Super Simple Life Hacks
–BOIL SALT WATER TO GET RID OF BURN MARKS: If you have burn marks on your pan after cooking a meal, fill the pot or pan with cold water and two to three tablespoons of salt and let it sit overnight. The next day, bring the water to a boil, pour it out, and do a final wash with soap. That should take care of it.
–If you have an exercise regimen, make sure you EXERCISE BETWEEN 5 P.M. AND 6 P.M.: During this period, your physical performance is at its peak, your risk of injury is at its lowest, and your muscle strength, lungs, and hand-eye coordination are all at their best and most efficient, which puts you in peak workout mode. Plus, if you work out at roughly the same time every day, you’ll create a ritual that’ll be harder to break when you’re feeling less motivated.
–WAX YOUR STOVETOP TO MAKE FUTURE CLEANING A BREEZE: After you’ve given your stovetop a thorough cleaning, apply a thin layer of car wax and then buff it off with a clean towel. Now, wiping off future spills and blobs of food will be painless, plus your stove will look shiny and new.
–A plastic kiddie pool with a blanket inside becomes a big, comfy dog bed…enough said there.
–If your dishwasher has finished its cycle but your dishes are still wet, use a towel. Hang a towel on the dishwasher’s door, and shut it for 10 minutes. The fabric will absorb the excess moisture.
–If you love decorating with pinecones and have collected them while on a nature hike, remember bugs live inside of them. So pop them in the oven on a baking sheet at 200 degrees for 45 minutes to make sure you rid them of all the little critters. Of course, check the pinecones periodically to prevent burning.
–Preserve your pumpkins. Halloween pumpkins are notorious for rotting. Keep them looking fresh and new by spraying them or soaking them in bleach water. Make a simple bleach solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) and put it in a spray bottle. Spray your pumpkins all over before carving and then give them a light spray every other day or so. (NOTE: Please only use this trick for decorating pumpkins that you will not be eating.) The bleach kills off the bacteria that would otherwise rot the pumpkin faster, allowing you to enjoy your holiday decor a bit longer! Happy Fall!