Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 6-26-23

Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 6-26-23

June 26, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

Hacks for a Better Smelling Home

–DIY HOMEMADE LINEN SPRAY:  Linen sprays are great household products. They contain water and alcohol and essential oils. All these put together will add a nice fragrance to your home. A quick recipe:  Combine a mixture of 1 cup water, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol,1/2 cup fabric softener, and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add to a spray bottle and use this to mist your bed, fabric sofa, and curtains and even carpets.

–Some plants can make your home smell wonderful.  Some recommendations from this article include Arabian Jasmine, Lavender, Begonia, and more.

–Add about 3 drops of your favorite essential oil on a pine cone then put it in a basket in your living room.

–Coffee is an amazing air freshener.  If you want your home to smell amazing, add some ground coffee in a small flat bottom container, then put your favorite scented candle in it.  Light the candle then leave it in the living room. 

–To make your trash bin smell amazing, toss some dryer sheets in the bottom of the bin before replacing a new bag. The dryer sheets will overpower the odor from your trash.

–NEUTRALIZE ODORS WITH BAKING SODA:  If you are cooking something and the smell is overpowering, you can put a bowl of baking soda near the stove while you are cooking. The baking soda will minimize the odors from spreading.