Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 7-17-23

Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 7-17-23

July 17, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

Genius Life Hacks That Use Things You Already Have Around Your Home:

–If your ring gets stuck on your finger, Windex will slide it right off.

–If your little one got hold of a Sharpie and did some design work on your countertops, don’t freak out! Just head to the bathroom or your vanity and grab the hair styling products. “Permanent marker on a countertop? Use hairspray, lifts it right up!”

–Upgrade your paint storage:  When putting a paint can lid back on the can, first put down a layer of cling film (Saran wrap). This will stop the lid sticking to the can once the paint on the lid has dried.

–There’s nothing worse than forgetting you’ve got residue from super-spicy peppers on your hands, then touching your eyes or other sensitive surfaces on your body. Prevent it before it starts. Rub vegetable oil (or any cooking oil) on your hands after you cut up jalapeños or other hot peppers. It gets rid of the awfulness that would normally be left on your hands from the peppers.

–To get rid of fried oil smells in the kitchen or house, take one cup of water and one tablespoon of vinegar and add rosemary, vanilla extract, a cinnamon stick, bay leaf and then boil. The grease smell goes away and your house will smell great.

–Do you find yourself tearing up while chopping onions for dinner? Say goodbye to the tears by putting your onion in the freezer for 10 minutes before chopping it. It freezes the juices just enough to slow down the process of it turning into a gas, giving you a few minutes to chop the onion without tears.

–If that wine glass or other glass slipped from your hand and shattered into teeny tiny pieces, you can clean up the micro particles of glass with Wonder Bread, or any piece of fluffy sliced bread will work.  It’s amazing how It sucks up the small pieces.