Wake The Lakes “Lifehack for the Week”:  Just Plain Amazing Hacks

Wake The Lakes “Lifehack for the Week”:  Just Plain Amazing Hacks

January 23, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–For cat owners: Wood pellets instead of cat litter. Around $7 for 40 lb bags. The pellets dissolve into sawdust after getting wet. There is no odor. Cleanup is easy and you’ll save money this way.

–Unrolling aluminum foil way easier:  Every box of foil has these handy roll-locks

–To sew a button, scotch tape the button down to the fabric, sew through the scotch tape and then tear it away. This way the button stays where you want it and there is much less swearing.

–Mason jar salads. Salad dressing on bottom, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes next so they marinate a bit. Top with lettuce or spinach so they don’t get soggy. You can make them ahead of time for the week.

–Mount towel racks on the inside of one or two of your kitchen cabinets.  Store the lids and save some space (Place cover against the cabinet allowing it to slide down until the lid handle rests against the towel bar).

–Place paper clips at the end of a roll of duct tape or shipping tape to easily find the end of the tape roll.

–Use duct tape to open tough lids. How? Just stick a respectable amount on the lid and start pulling as hard as you can. It works

–Need to dry your favorite outfit ASAP? Speed up the drying process by tossing a clean, dry bath towel in with your next full load. Remove it after 15 minutes—it’ll have soaked up the majority of the water from your clothes.