Wake The Lakes Lifehack for the Week:  “Life Hacks To Improve Your Health for 2023”

Wake The Lakes Lifehack for the Week:  “Life Hacks To Improve Your Health for 2023”

January 2, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–Kickstart your morning with lemon water.  Start every morning with a glass of water with fresh-squeezed lemon or lemon oil! (Just make sure it’s an edible, 100% natural-grade oil and not anything synthetic if you go the essential oil route.)  It flushes your system of toxins, alkalizes your body, and keeps your digestive system working as it should.

–Sweat it out before you hop in the shower.  Make it a goal to “earn” your shower working up a sweat first with some lunges, push-ups, squats, a walk on a treadmill or up and down the stairs, if you can.  Start with a few minutes and work up to longer workouts.

–Use baking soda as a natural produce scrub.  Combine a few teaspoons of baking soda with 1-2 cups of water and you have a natural produce scrub! You can add the mixture to a spray bottle or combine it in a large mixing bowl.  Either way, use the solution to get pesticides, dirt, and other unwanted goodies out of every nook and cranny in your produce.  Make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards.

–Save wilting herbs with an ice cube tray.  When your fresh herbs are on the way out (aka starting to turn brown or are wilting), don’t toss them!  Instead, put chopped herbs in ice cube trays, fill them with olive oil, and freeze.  Now you’ll always have cubes ready for sautéing veggies and meat or tossing in sauces! 

–Soothe a sore throat with a marshmallow.  Sap from the marshmallow plant has been used for hundreds of years to help treat coughs, colds, and sore throats.  The fluffy white treat may help ease throat pain thanks to the coating and soothing properties of the gelatin, according to Health magazine.