Wake The Lakes Lifehack for the Week: These Kitchen Hacks Will Make You Enjoy Cooking Again

Wake The Lakes Lifehack for the Week: These Kitchen Hacks Will Make You Enjoy Cooking Again

October 24, 2022 Wake the Lakes 0

Make scrambled eggs in the microwave–Grab a mug and spritz it with nonstick spray. Crack a couple eggs inside. Top with a splash of milk or water, sprinkle with some salt and pepper, then stir with a fork to combine. Microwave at 30-second intervals, stirring after each, for a total of 90 seconds.

Use an egg slicer for even portions of fruits and veggies–This tiny kitchen tool isn’t just for cutting hard-boiled eggs. Try slicing strawberries, kiwis, mushrooms, and more into even thickness in one quick swoop.

Freeze leftover wine or broth in an ice cube tray–Pour leftover wine or cooking broth into an ice cube tray, top with plastic wrap to keep ice crystals at bay, and freeze. Down the line, you’ll have one-ounce portions that you can pop out and add to sauces, soups, stews and more for flavor enhancement.

Roast bananas to get a bunch bread-ready–No need to chase down brown bananas. Ripen a bunch in a flash by baking on a foil-lined baking sheet at 300 degrees for about 30 minutes, depending on size, until the skins are dark brown and the fruit is soft.

Boil spuds to de-skin without the stress–All you need to peel a whole bushel of potatoes is a knife, a set of tongs, a pot of boiling water, and a bowl of ice water. Score (make a shallow cut in) the raw potatoes around their equator with a knife. Gently place them in the boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes. Use the tongs to safely remove your now-hot potatoes and transfer them to the ice water. Once the potatoes are cool enough to handle, you can effortlessly slide the peels off from the center out to the ends.