Wake the Lakes “Lifehacks for the Week” 8-14-23

Wake the Lakes “Lifehacks for the Week” 8-14-23

August 14, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

The Most Effective Way to Remove Stubborn Stains From Plastic Patio Furniture:
While outdoor furniture made of plastic is easier to keep clean than other materials, stains can still develop—especially from grass, grease, and dirt. Here are a few ways to get rid of them:
–Dish soap: Add a few squirts of dishwashing liquid to a bucket of warm water, then wash the furniture with the solution, using a rag or sponge. If rubbing the stained area with a sponge doesn’t work, try a soft-bristled brush.
–Vinegar: Add about 1/4 cup of white vinegar to a bucket of warm water, and use a soft-bristled brush to work on the stains.
–Baking soda: Rinse off the furniture with water, then sprinkle baking soda on the stains, and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a sponge to scrub the stains. Only use baking soda on white plastic furniture, as it may lighten the color.
–Laundry detergent: Add 1 tablespoon to a bucket of warm water, then use a sponge or soft-bristled brush to scrub the stains with the solution.
–Bleach or oxygen/non-chlorine bleach: Add 1/4 of a cup to a warm bucket of water; wear rubber gloves to scrub the stain with a sponge or brush. Only use on white furniture. Once you’ve removed the stains using one of the methods above, rinse the chair with a hose, then allow the furniture to air dry.