Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 7-11-23

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 7-11-23

July 11, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

A knife-wielding robber walked into a convenience store in England demanding beer and actually ended up getting what he wanted. He also had plenty of time to drink it after the owner of the store locked him inside until the police arrived. Investigators say the 30-year-old thief flashed his knife and grabbed a case of beer. The quick-thinking owner ran out of the store and pulled down the metal security shutters, trapping the crook inside. At one point, the robber tried to squeeze through a tight opening between the ground and the bottom of the shutters and got stuck. Realizing that his jig was up, he reached for one of the beers he was trying to steal, cracked it open, and enjoyed a cold one until police arrived and let him out of the store. It’ll now be a while before he’s able to enjoy another beer as he received a three-year jail sentence for armed robbery.