Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 10-25-23

Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 10-25-23

October 25, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

A.I. Can Detect Diabetes:
(New York, NY) — A.I. can detect diabetes just by listening to you talk for ten seconds. That’s according to a new study by Klick Labs. Researchers asked over 260 people, diagnosed as either non or Type 2 diabetic, to record a phrase into their phone six times daily for two weeks. Scientists analyzed more than 18 thousand recordings and found 14 acoustic features of differences between non-diabetic and Type 2 diabetic individuals. Klick Labs research scientist and author of the study Jaycee Kaufman said their research could transform how the medical community screens for diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, nearly one in two adults, or 240 million people living with diabetes worldwide are unaware they have the condition and nearly 90 percent of diabetic cases are Type 2.

Study Confirms Link Between Body Fat And Reduced Brain Volume:
(Santa Monica, CA) — A new study confirms a link between body fat and reduced brain volume. An international study of ten-thousand people shows your diet and lifestyle may affect how you think. Apparently, the more belly fat you have, the less brain volume and a higher risk for dementia later in life. Researchers at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California say overactive and inflamed fat cells send signals to the brain to downsize. They say it’s important to keep belly fat to a minimum and to consider whether the foods you choose are nourishing your brain, as well as your body.