Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Minnesota woman throws chicken at boyfriend in argument”

Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Minnesota woman throws chicken at boyfriend in argument”

February 22, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

A Minnesota woman wasn’t satisfied with just flipping the bird at her boyfriend during a fight, so she hit him in the head with it — leaving chicken bits stuck all over him.  Natalie Bruemmer of Eagle Lake, MN allegedly started the dispute with the victim while they were driving from a bar to the home they’ve shared for 10 years. The man says that the scuffle got physical once they got inside and Bruemmer hit him in the back of the head with a whole chicken.  In their report, responding officers noted, “Victim still had some chicken residue in his hair.” The 36-year-old suspect had been arrested for assaulting the same man back in 2021, but that case hasn’t hit the courts yet. Court records do not indicate whether the chicken in question was fried, baked or raw.