“Weird and Wacky Wednesday” Story for the Day 4-5-23

“Weird and Wacky Wednesday” Story for the Day 4-5-23

April 5, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

The family of a South African pastor who died in 2021 has finally laid him to rest after growing impatient waiting for him to come back to life. Siva Moodley of The Miracle Centre near Johannesburg died on August 15th, 2021. His family and parishioners were certain he was going to come back to life, so they refused to bury him and instead kept him stored in a mortuary. Meanwhile, the church carried on without making any mention of his death, only occasionally referencing his eventual return. The owner of the mortuary sent repeated requests to the family asking them to remove their loved one because their failure to do so was posing serious health and environmental risks. Finally, the mortuary threatened legal action, and after nearly 600 days, the family collected his body and laid him to rest.