Opioid Prevention and Car Seat Checks Among Top Health Topics for Traill Ahead Coalition

Opioid Prevention and Car Seat Checks Among Top Health Topics for Traill Ahead Coalition

June 28, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Traill AHEAD Coalition recently held its second meeting. The coalition gathered representatives from both health and non-health based community organizations to discuss overall health and wellness in Traill County. 

Traill District Health Unit’s Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Deb Cieplak, gives an update on locations where they have placed NARCAN, an opioid overdose reversal drug.

Cieplak says they can also place boxes in businesses upon request. Cieplak further mentions the coalition is working on some events before the end of the summer.

You can visit Traill District Health Unit’s website for more information on the coalition and other health reminders: District Health | Traill County, ND