Demo of Buxton’s Former Hardware Store Delayed

Demo of Buxton’s Former Hardware Store Delayed

September 12, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Buxton City Council met in regular session Wednesday.

The council reviewed the scheduled demolition of the property at 307 Broadway. After a delay from the contractors, the former hardware store, currently owned by Dennis Riedhammer of Riedhammer Masonry, LLC, is set to be demolished the week of September 23rd. 

Riedhammer made another informal appeal to Mayor Travis Soderberg to halt the demolition, but the council did not grant that request as the time for appeal has passed. Soderberg says there should be no impact on day-to-day functions around the property once demolition begins.

Among other items, the council discussed property tax requirements for liquor licenses and hiring a part time maintenance employee. The council did not approve any formal action on either of these two items.

The Buxton City Council’s next meeting is scheduled for October 9th at 7pm at the Buxton Fire Hall.