Ruth Steen to be inducted into Ada Borup West Hall of Fame 

Ruth Steen to be inducted into Ada Borup West Hall of Fame 

September 21, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Minnesota girl’s sports pioneer, and Norman County West superfan Ruth Steen will be one of six individuals inducted into the Ada Borup West Hall of Fame on Saturday. R&J News had the opportunity to talk with Ruth’s daughter Ann Williams to talk about Ruth’s life and her love for Halstad, and Norman County West athletics. Williams tells us more about her mother, and where her love for girls sports came from. 

Williams says her mother was also a pioneer of girls sports in Minnesota, and she tells us more about her mom’s time as an advocate for girls sports, in a time before Title Nine. 

Ruth Steen will be inducted into the Ada Borup West Hall of Fame, at the Hall of Fame Ceremony later today at 1:00 in the Ada Borup West Auditorium. The ceremony will be streamed online at the Your Live Event YouTube page. The full conversation with Ann Williams can be heard online at