Peysar elected to Minnesota State Agricultural Society, to serve Minnesota State Fair

Peysar elected to Minnesota State Agricultural Society, to serve Minnesota State Fair

January 24, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI Wake the Lakes 0

By Paul Vold (1/24/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — Longtime member of the Aitkin County Fair Board and representative for the Minnesota Federation of County Fairs Kirk Peysar was recently elected to serve a one-year term to the Minnesota State Agricultural Society, which serves as the governing body for the Minnesota State Fair.

Peysar was elected to fill the remainder of Joe Scapanski, who was elected president of Society and served as an ambassador for the Minnesota State Fair.

He also mentioned that this position has been in his mind for some time.

Peysar’s work with the Aitkin County Fair will also remain a crucial part of his life with plans for the 2022 Fair already taken care of.

Peysar is more than grateful for the opportunity and looks forward to being part of The Great Minnesota Get Together.

The Minnesota State Fair will run August 25-September 5. Hear our full conversation with Kirk Peysar here: