Weird and Wacky Wednesday – Outdated summons for jury duty in York County sent by mistake

Weird and Wacky Wednesday – Outdated summons for jury duty in York County sent by mistake

March 24, 2022 Wake the Lakes 0

A county court in Pennsylvania recently sent out jury summonses to residents when they really should have sent them to time travelers.

Residents of York County were very puzzled when they received notices asking them to report for jury duty on a date which had already occurred — in some cases, as far back as 10 years ago. After receiving a flood of calls from some very confused people, the county posted an explanation on its website which read, “If you recently received a juror summons for any week prior to March 1, 2022, you do not need to respond or report for service. There was an error.” (WGAL-TV)