Aitkin Police Chief Ryan talks pedestrian safety, traffic control

Aitkin Police Chief Ryan talks pedestrian safety, traffic control

April 5, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (4/6/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — Once the weather decides to improve enough for consistent walking for pedestrians and enjoying the Lakes Area, safety for walkers and drivers going through the City of Aitkin.

We recently chatted with Aitkin Police Chief Paul Ryan about drivers being conscious of pedestrians in the crosswalks.

Pedestrians also need to be weary of cars when crossing busy Aitkin streets.

Eliminating distractions can also keep pedestrians aware of on-coming traffic and staying alert.

Another aid for safe pedestrian crossings are the yellow “Stop for Pedestrian’ signs that are in the middle of Highways 169 and 210 in Aitkin City limits.

Those signs, as well as the stoplight in the middle of town, have helped with traffic control and pedestrian safety.

more of our conversation with Aitkin Police Chief Paul Ryan, visit the Wake The Lakes page at