District 9 Conservation Officer Reports 5-10-22

District 9 Conservation Officer Reports 5-10-22

May 10, 2022 News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

CO Jim Guida (Brainerd East) patrolled for angling and prohibited-burning activity. The dry forest conditions earlier in the week were monitored. An unpermitted burn was located and a male was attempting to put it out with a low-volume garden hose. Fire units were called out and the fire was eventually extinguished. Enforcement action was taken for no burning permit and the responsible party will be subjected to fees and restitution of the responding wildland fire crew. Guida also assisted the Parks and Trails Division with the removal of a dead deer from the Paul Bunyan Trail.

CO Tony Flerlage (Crosby) checked anglers enjoying open-water fishing for the first time this year. He dealt with an otter taken incidentally while beaver trapping and attended a meeting for the Honor Guard. He took several calls about beavers causing problems.

CO Nate Benkofske (McGregor) reports checking anglers and ATV riders in the area. Injured-animal calls were handled. Law and safety talks were given at several youth ATV safety classes. Benkofske also helped monitor sturgeon anglers on the Rainy River during the busy season.

CO Calie Kunst (Crosslake) spent time throughout the week patrolling ATV activity, preparing for fishing opener and following up on a case involving taking a deer out of season. Kunst also received various phone calls in regards to injured animals and nuisance beavers.

Pine River vacant.