Speaker Encourages Connections Between Teens And Adults

Speaker Encourages Connections Between Teens And Adults

January 10, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

ADA, MN—Parents, caregivers and teenagers are invited to a dinner and talk Wednesday night, January 11, at Grace Lutheran Church in Ada.  Sarah How, a school psychologist and author, will speak about one of what she calls seven core truths: “Ask Me Who I Am.”

How says she also wants people to think of God in a different way.

How will also speak about how parents and other adults can be role models for teens.

Sarah How’s talk will be from Wednesday night 6:30 to 8pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Ada.

Prior to that, the 2023 Mission Group will be serving supper from 5:30 to 6:30 for $10 per plate.