AELC Coffee with a Naturalist

AELC Coffee with a Naturalist

February 27, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Fertile, MN — The Agassiz Environmental Learning Center in Fertile invites all to their first Coffee with a Naturalist Series this Tuesday, February 28th from 2-3pm. In this first program, visitors will get to chat with the AELC Education Director Donna Spaeth to learn more about birding. Spaeth says with many bird species making their way back north, she’ll be sharing recipes and tips on how to attract winter and early migratory birds and provide an opportunity to explore the birds around the nature center.

Spaeth will also share information on some very useful technology that’s free and easy to use to help ID and discover area birds.

The Agassiz Environmental Learning Center also provides excellent habitat for birders to explore and even throughout the winter is home to numerous bird species.

The Coffee with a Naturalist series will take place on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Agassiz Environmental Learning Center. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Listen to the full interview with Donna Spaeth from AELC below: