Aitkin County CARE offers classes to keep mobility active for aging adults

Aitkin County CARE offers classes to keep mobility active for aging adults

December 6, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

We spoke with Aitkin County CARE Executive Director Lynne Jacobs recently. She shared  some exciting opportunities for folks to get fit at any age, targeting specific goals: 

They have a class option that’s short-term, too: 

Jacobs mentioned a class specifically geared toward staying fit in later life, and expressed gratitude toward the class facilities:

Jacobs touted the benefits of the classes:

The conversation with Aitkin County CARE Executive Director Lynne Jacobs was informative and had a lot more details. You can hear the whole thing on the Wake the Lakes page at