Assisted Living Homes

Assisted Living Homes

November 22, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

You’ll remember back in October, Benedictine Mission Court in Ada announced it was dropping assisted living care and would only have independent living housing.  R&J News spoke with Kari Thurlow, president and CEO of LeadingAge Minnesota, about the future of assisted living care and she says there are several trends taking place.  The first is that Minnesota is getting older.

Thurlow says another trend is that assisted living as we know it is growing and changing.

There’s also a third trend—assisted living centers are closing.

Thurlow says senior care in Minnesota has been chronically underfunded, even with record increases in funding from the State Legislature. 

You can hear Jim Birkemeyer’s full interview with Kari Thurlow here: