Clearbrook-Gonvick School Hosts Scholastic Book Fair

Clearbrook-Gonvick School Hosts Scholastic Book Fair

March 8, 2022 News News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Last week the Clearbrook-Gonvick School hosted the Scholastic Book Fair which the kids were very excited about since they had not been able to have the book fair for a couple of years due to covid concerns. This was Tiffany Kraulik’s first year in charge of the book fair which she called a huge success.

The federal government has set up a relief fund for schools because of loss of learning due to the pandemic and with the funds each student in grades K-6 at Clearbrook-Gonvick was able to pick out a free book at the book fair.

In spite of struggling with supply shortages like many retailers, Kraulik was pleased with the selection of books and related items Scholastic brought to the book fair and the kids were too.

Scholastic is the largest publisher of children’s books. They’ve been partnering with schools for over 30 years to host book fairs which earn the schools rewards and resources for their school.