CRMC hosting Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Study

CRMC hosting Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Study

January 27, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI Wake the Lakes 0

By Paul Vold (1/28/22)

(Crosby, MN) — Cuyuna Regional Medical Center in Crosby is seeking participants for a clinical study for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes with a new, endoscopic procedure.

We recently spoke to Nurse Practitioner and Study Coordinator Melissa Dyrdahl spoke Type 2 diabetes and its effects on the body.

Working with Endogenex, the procedure would introduce a special catheter through the mouth to the first part of the small intestine, which is only being done at three medical facilities in the U.S.

Dyrdahl also gave out parameters for potential patients that want to be part of the study.

The ultimate goal, besides getting better control of blood sugar levels, is to progress treatment for the future of medicine.

Visit, send a message to or call 218-546-2505 for any questions. Listen to our full interview here: