District 10B Representative Dale Lueck takes mining leases pulled for NE Minnesota

District 10B Representative Dale Lueck takes mining leases pulled for NE Minnesota

February 3, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI Wake the Lakes 0

By Paul Vold kkin@rjbroadcasting.com (2/4/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — As the federal government pulled the mining leases in Northeastern Minnesota on January 26th, District 10B State Representative Dale Lueck voiced his disappointment in the decision that has multiple ramifications for even in the Lakes area.

Representative Lueck overall did not agree with the decision from President Biden.

As the mining leases were pulled that also affected the use of school trust lands.

The land that would be mined and school trust lands butted up right next to each other would greatly benefit the schools, community, and the mining companies that add to the community.

Hear more from our full conversation with District 10B State Representative Dale Lueck by going here: