#FFAWeek2023: Fertile-Beltrami Keeping FFA Program Strong Without Advisor

#FFAWeek2023: Fertile-Beltrami Keeping FFA Program Strong Without Advisor

February 22, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Fertile, MN — A good partnership between school districts is helping keep the longstanding legacy of a local FFA chapter alive and well. The Fertile-Beltrami School District has for years had a very successful FFA program with high student involvement, but the program was in jeopardy this year after they lost their ag instructor just before the start of the school year. Thankfully, Fertile-Beltrami Superintendent Brian Clarke says they were able to work out a partnership with neighboring district Ada-Borup-West to keep it up and running.

Superintendent Clarke adds that the parents of the students who are involved in FFA have played a big role in filling the gap in the meantime as well.

The Fertile-Beltrami FFA Program is joining other chapters across the nation in celebrating National FFA Week this week. Tuesday was hat day, Wednesday is camo day, Thursday is Case versus John Deere day, and Friday is Flannel or FFA Shirt Day. They’ll also be doing other fun activities such as reading agricultural books to elementary students, Kiss the Critter contest, ag Olympics and more.