Hillsboro City Commission Still Focusing on Fixing Finances

Hillsboro City Commission Still Focusing on Fixing Finances

December 22, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Hillsboro, ND — The Hillsboro City Commission held their last regularly scheduled meeting of the year on Monday night, December 19th, but another special meeting is now planned as the commission tries to navigate their finances. The commission tabled a number of items from the meeting, including employee raise discussions, until next week’s special meeting. Hillsboro City Commission Presidents Levi Reese says the numbers just aren’t adding up and it needs to be addressed before they can tackle anything else.

There was some discussion about purchasing a new utility software during this week’s meeting as well, which Reese says would help streamline utility payments and more for customers.

The Hillsboro City Commission also held their 2nd and final reading of the Snow Removal Ordinance, which the public can view on the city website. On a similar note, President Reese addressed some concerns about snow cleanup on city sidewalks.

The Hillsboro City Commission meets next during a special meeting on Wednesday, December 28th at 1pm.