Hillsboro School Forum Tuesday

Hillsboro School Forum Tuesday

July 24, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

HILLSBORO, ND—There’s going to be a public forum in Hillsboro Tuesday night hosted by the Hillsboro School Board.  The Board wants feedback on whether there should be a bond referendum this fall for school improvements.  The School Board has two proposals: one costing $14 million and the other costing $12 million.  The $12 million plan includes an addition that could hold a career and tech center, plus music and family life classes near Hillsboro Elementary School.  A special Hillsboro School Board meeting will be held immediately following the public forum.  That forum starts at 7 Tuesday night at the Hillsboro High School Library.  R&J Broadcasting will have a reporter at the meeting and will give you full coverage afterwards.