Mahnomen County Assessor Explains Property Valuation Process

Mahnomen County Assessor Explains Property Valuation Process

May 3, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Mahnomen, MN — Property owners may have gotten letters in the mail this past month with updates to their property value and many communities are currently in the process of hosting their Tax Equalization Hearings. It’s not uncommon for values to jump higher or even drop lower dramatically from year to year. To provide more insight into those property valuations, Jeff Bjerk with the Mahnomen County Assessors joined the KRJB Kaleidoscope on Monday morning. Bjerk says each summer, they began physically examining a quarter of all the properties in the county and surveying for new structures throughout all of the county.

In addition to improvements and additions to property, Bjerk says another factor in the property valuation is recent sales.

Taking a look recent trends, Bjerk says farmland values are holding steady this year, but lake properties saw a significant jump in value this past year as sale prices have skyrocketed.  

Mahnomen County is just beginning their property value assessments for this year, which will take place in the northeast corner of each township. Property owners will be mailed out information if they plan to update assessments to their property.