Mahnomen EDA Receives Blandin Grandin for Free PC’s

Mahnomen EDA Receives Blandin Grandin for Free PC’s

December 15, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Mahnomen, MN —

Thanks to a grant from the Blandin Foundation, the Mahnomen County EDA will be able to distribute 50 PC’s to People free of charge. Mahnomen County Administrator CJ Holl says they were awarded the Blandin Foundation’s “Broadband for Communities” Grant aimed at increasing access to technology to the community.

Blandin Foundation is a private foundation based in Grand Rapids, Minnesota whose mission is to connect, fund and advocate for ideas and people to inspire resourcefulness and move rural places forward. The vision for the Blandin Foundation is for rural Minnesota places that welcome diversity, address injustice, and embrace change to create a sustainable and equitable future.

As of December 31, 2020, the foundation leveraged the proceeds from a trust worth approximately $484.2 million