McGregor School District policy updates for 2022-2023 school year

McGregor School District policy updates for 2022-2023 school year

July 26, 2022 ---School News - KKIN/KFGI/KLKS/WWWI News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

Post for the McGregor School District #4 Facebook page:

Student Handbooks for the 2022-2023 school year have been placed on the District Webpage.
Some items to be aware of for the high school:
McGregor ISD #4 understands that distractions caused by cell phones can cause a non-optimal learning environment, and unnecessary distractions to the user and the other students in the classroom. Therefore, the following rules have been put in place for this school year.
Upon entry to the classroom, all students will be required to put their cell phones in the designated area as directed by the classroom teacher. A teacher may grant permission for the class or individual students to use/get their cell phones on an as need basis.
Students will be able to check messages on their phones during lunch and passing time. Parents are encouraged to message students through office if they need to contact their student immediately. Otherwise, students can check messages between classes.
1st Offense: Teacher takes the phone for the remainder of the class period.
2nd Offense: Phone will be taken to the office for the remainder of the school day.
3rd Offense: A parent/guardian will be called to come in and pick up the phone.
4th Offense: The student will not be allowed to bring the cell phone or device into the building for a period of time as determined by the principal.
Failure to give up a phone to a staff member will result in further disciplinary measures. This policy could become more restrictive at any time if the administration and McGregor board of education deem it necessary for the successful conducting of the educational process.
McGregor High School operates on a closed noon hour policy; that is, students are not to leave the school grounds without school permission. Passes to leave the building during lunchtime are given with parent permission through the office on a day-by-day basis. Due to safety issues with school entrances and a past disregard for the rules regarding open lunch, there will be no open lunch to start the 2022-23 school year. The McGregor school board and administration are encouraging students to work through the student council to put forth a plan that will be workable for the school. This plan is to be submitted to the high school principal and then to the school board for approval.