Northern Cass Wins $500,000 As Finalist For Yass Prize

Northern Cass Wins $500,000 As Finalist For Yass Prize

December 20, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

HUNTER, ND—Here’s an update to a story R&J News has been following.  The Northern Cass School District has won $500,000 for being a finalist for the Yass Prize.  The Yass Prize is awarded by the Center for Education Reform for sustainable, transformational, outstanding and permissionless education.  Northern Cass Superintendent Dr. Cory Steiner says Northern Cass advanced from being one of 32 semifinalists.

Steiner talks about how the $500,000 will be spent.

And there have been talks on how to use this windfall.

Steiner says there will be a public meeting Wednesday, December 21 at Northern Cass from 11:30am to 1:30pm.  A group called Creative Community Solutions will be leading the discussion.