November is Diabetes Awareness Month 

November is Diabetes Awareness Month 

October 30, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and Kristy Rott of Norman Mahnomen Public Health wants to bring awareness to the growing issue that is Diabetes. While a lot of people have heard about Diabetes a lot of people don’t know what it is and Rott want’s to explain what Diabetes is and how it affects you. 

There are also different versions of diabetes that affect you in different ways. 

Even though not all cases of Diabetes can be avoided there are things you can do to lower your risk of getting it and Rott shares some ways you can do that. 

You can listen to the entire conc=versation with Rott by going to and clicking on Kaleidoscope in the programming tab.