Red Cow and Red Rabbit Restaurant Chains Sends 250 Campers to Confidence Learning Center with $17,000 Fundraiser

Red Cow and Red Rabbit Restaurant Chains Sends 250 Campers to Confidence Learning Center with $17,000 Fundraiser

January 24, 2022 News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

The Red Cow and Rabbit Restaurant chain headquartered in Minneapolis partnered with Confidence Learning Center — an outdoor education and recreation center for persons of all ages with developmental and cognitive disabilities in East Gull Lake — for the months of November and December.

The fundraiser featured food and drink selections, where $1 of those item’s sales were donated to Confidence Learning Center with the goal to send 100 Campers to visit the camp for a day. With the success of the fundraiser, $17,000 was raised and 250 campers were given the ability to experience a day at Confidence Learning Center.

A group of people holding a sign

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Pictured from L to R: Confidence Learning Center Representatives; Marketing Assistant Lizzie Aydt, Volunteer Director Mary Harder, Marketing & Event Director Sarah Smith, Executive Director Jeff Olson & Red Cow Director of Finance Michael Giacomini