Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM” for the Week 7-27-23

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM” for the Week 7-27-23

July 27, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–Smithereens are the most classic thing to be blasted into.
–NASA is the paparazzi of the real stars.
–If you ever wind up being naked in public, it’s better to cover your face first, rather than the other stuff.
– The idea of a real skeleton “coming alive” to haunt you is a lot less scary when you realize a skeleton only weighs about 7 pounds.
–The fact that our air and/or food and water both enter our bodies through the same port… feels like a serious design flaw.
–The older you get, the more of an inconvenience it becomes to select your date of birth out of a drop down menu.
–People who don’t wear helmets have nothing to protect.
–Catsup is the most annoying way to spell Ketchup
–Sitting around staring at a pile of sticks might make others feel like there is something wrong with you. Light those sticks on fire…perfectly normal!
–Pablo Picasso only missed the release of Star Wars by four years.
–At least Friday the 13th is on a FRIDAY. Monday the 13th sounds way scarier.
–Singing to yourself is much more socially acceptable than talking to yourself.
–Q-Tips may be the only product where everyone just agrees to ignore manufacturer warnings.
–Only the people who care about you can hear you when you’re quiet.
–There is no appropriate pants pocket in which to carry a banana.