Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day”

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day”

February 2, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–If James Bond is the most famous spy, wouldn’t that also make him the worst spy?

–If they mounted garbage trucks with cameras, you could update Google Maps street view every week.

–Math is the only place where someone would buy 60 watermelons and 40 cantaloupes, and no one asks any questions.

–Batman would look ridiculous trying to solve crimes outside on a sunny day.

–Do you think Spider-Man has the auto-rotate feature turned off on his phone?

–What if déjà vu is just you losing a life and starting again at the last checkpoint?

–Life starts as a whole bunch of firsts, but slowly without us noticing becomes a whole bunch of lasts.

–Every staircase is a staircase to heaven if you’re clumsy enough.

–History teaches us that we don’t learn from history.  

–The definition of evolution is basically:  “Reproduce and multiply and see what happens.”

–A “ton” of people is literally 12 to 15 people.

–If a sloth were to clap, it would always sound sarcastic.