Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Week” 6-15-23

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Week” 6-15-23

June 15, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–Baking bread basically involves creating a rich and warm environment for a species to thrive and then initiating a mass extinction event.

–Amazon’s most shipped item is a cardboard box.

–The sentence “Don’t objectify women” has “women” as the object of the sentence.

–Chris Hemsworth is best known for playing a character who throws weapons that come back to him. Chris Hemsworth is Australian.

–There should be confetti in tires so that when there is a blowout it’s still kind of an okay day.

–Becoming an adult feels like slowly being put into a managerial position you didn’t really want.

–High schools pushing students to take out a loan for college with the long-term promise of a high-paying career to pay back that loan sounds a lot like a Ponzi scheme.

–If you ever feel useless, just be glad you’re not the person who writes the Terms and Conditions.

–If pigs could fly, their wings would probably taste really good.

–If you visit a fortune-teller, don’t make an appointment. If she’s surprised, then she is fake.

–Being known as a “good kid” growing up meant that you probably weren’t very good at being a kid..

–A goalie’s goal in life is to have no goals.

–If you spill paint on your lawn, you can watch paint dry and grass growing at the same time.

–Lawn mowers can be considered weapons of “grass” destruction.

–You don’t need to be the sharpest tool in the shed when you are a hammer.