Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Philly Cop In Trouble For Not Keeping Pants On”

Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Philly Cop In Trouble For Not Keeping Pants On”

January 11, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

A Philadelphia cop is being sued for getting a little too comfortable around the police station.  Officer Jose Dones is named in a complaint filed by a fellow officer who claims the veteran cop liked to walk around the station in his boxer shorts like he was lounging around his house. Officer Kelly Neal claims in the lawsuit that Dones frequently took his pants off around others and stood around in the office in just his underwear, instead of in the locker room or the bathroom. The lawsuit cites several specific occasions, many which are supported by video evidence, in which Officer Dones got dressed or undressed in the middle of the office. An attorney for Officer Neal claims several other officers have complained in the past and the department failed to do anything about it. The lawsuit accuses Dones of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment and is seeking $150,000 in damages.